Ellen McLoughlin
Yoga Teacher
Ellen graduated as a yoga teacher with the Alchemy School of Yoga. She is a wild spirited, heart loving, hippy child who is trying to navigate life by following her souls voice! She is inspired by the universe and trusts in it deeply to guide her.
A huge passion of hers is connecting with old indigenous ways of living! Playing with herbs & sewing veggies, using the odd cupla focal community living & exploring the sacred wisdom of the moons & my menstrual cycle She loves to bring all of this into her classes!
She loves to sing, dance, play music, write poetry, wild swimming and just be in nature.
She has a degree in Public Health and Health Promotion and always had a huge interest in creating change, and helping people on a large scale. One of her major passions at the moment is guiding people back home to themselves and helping them find their truest essence. Yoga has become a major anchor in doing this.
She is an advocate for body shame, mental health and emotional awareness and is part of the revolution in decolonizing the land of Eirú and our bodies. Seeing & feeling the need for and power of desexualising our bodies and building beautiful relationships with ourselves and one another. She believes love is everything.